Picture from the Big Window

Left the dark shutters of the big window, open

The morning sun invited itself to my bedroom

Warm rays kissed eyelids, deep slumber stirred

Swirling magnet dust gravitated to the light source

WHOA!! In front, right there, was the whole picture

An entire metropolis of life was staring at my face

At the far left end was the giant birthing hospital

Near it, the elementary school, quaint and small

In the middle stood glittering university buildings

The heart-break park, the brick red track ‘n fields

Wall street sky-scrapers lined the opposite side

Where my bumpy career finally took big strides

At the end, each little piece had truly made sense

Their colors ‘n shapes had fitted the crazy bends

There it was the perfect puzzle, finally complete

Just needed to open the big window.. that’s it !!